Monday, July 15, 2013

Graduation Drink Bottles

I made these graduation caps for drink bottles as graduation gifts. I made green graduation caps for SUNY Binghamton and black graduation caps for UPenn.

I used colored masking tape or electrical tape for the rim of the bottle. Then I glued on a square of construction paper, to make the mortar board. I used embroidery thread to make the tassels.

Heart-Shaped Chocolate Chip Cookies

I made these heart-shaped chocolate chip cookies for Valentine's Day.

You can't use cookie cutters for chocolate chip cookie dough because the dough expands when baked. I made Vs out of the cookie dough, added Valentine's-colored M&Ms, and baked. I used Betty Crocker's gluten-free chocolate-chip cookie dough mix.



Graduation Cupcakes

These graduation cupcakes were a huge hit! And I made them gluten-free!

I made a batch of cupcakes using Better Crocker gluten-free devil's food cake mix. Then I iced the cupcakes with Pillsbury icing in a squeeze can.

The graduation caps are made of Reeses cups, two rectangles of Hershey's chocolate bars, mini M&Ms, and Fruit by the Foot. All of the licorices I could find had gluten, so I took Fruit by the Foot, placed it on a cutting board, and carefully cut it into slices. Each slice was about 1/3 the width of the original Fruit by the Foot. I "glued" together the parts of the graduation caps using icing. I squeezed some icing onto a plate and then used a toothpick to scoop just the right amount.

Watermelon Stars

I made these watermelon stars for a patriotic July 4th BBQ dessert!

I took the whole watermelon, and sliced it into circles about 3/4 inch thick. Then I used a star-shaped cookie cutter to make the stars out of each slice. I topped the dish with blueberries and raspberries.

It was tiring and time consuming to make the dish, but well worth it because I got numerous compliments!

Welcome to My Blog!

I want to share the DIY projects and creative foods I have made. All of my creations will also be posted on Pinterest. Get creative and please give me feedback on my creations!